I woke up with a monster headache today, and I just happen to have a doctor's appointment - but it's just for a follow-up for another problem. Will I go? You betcha...
It's a coincidence though, that Carole's topic today is Ten Things You Do to Care for Yourself When You Have a Cold.
When I wake up feeling puny:
1. I stay in bed thinking if I stayed there a little longer, I’d feel better and be able to go on with my day.
2. The Husb wakes me up right before he heads off to work asking if I am going to stay there all day or can he make the bed.
3. I get up, get cleaned up and decide I really don’t feel good.
4. I wonder, out loud, if we have any chicken noodle soup, Sprite, crackers and orange juice in the house.
5. I wait for The Husb to look. He doesn’t.
6. I go look to see if we have any chicken noodle soup, Sprite, crackers and orange juice in the house. We have some combination but not all of the things on the list.
7. The Husb says that he will bring the missing things home after work.
8. I gather my pillow, a blanket, the tissue box and DVDs and head to the den.
9. I forget to bring the phones (my cell and the landline) to the couch until one of them rings. Then I retrieve them and put both on the coffee table.
10. I settle in for a day of laying around, napping on and off and almost feeling decadent, if it weren’t for that nasty cold...or in today's scenario...that monster headache, after I get home from the doctor's office.
MK out.