Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WIP Wednesday - 12/14/2011

Remember those trees and those poinsettia leaves from last week?  I scrapped those ideas. The Barbie sweater made the cut and just needs finish work, as does the matching hat. Now, there's a scarf on the go too:

I was commissioned to make a hat, and I've been working on it:

I pulled out the Flourish shawl today.  I put it away weeks ago because my stitch count was off and I wasn't in the mood to deal with it.  It doesn't look very different from the last time I took a picture, but here it is anyway:

That's my Wednesday. 

MK out.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the days when I knit doll clothes for my daughter. Sigh..

    Nice color yarn for your shawl!
