Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ten on Tuesday - May 8, 2012 - Belly Laughs at the Movies

This week, Carole asks us about our Ten Favorite Comedy Movies.

So, it's no secret that I like movies.  I like old movies, new movies, funny movies, sad movies, foreign movies, silent movies...I like them all.  Here are some of my favorites from the 1970s to the present, because I had to narrow it down somehow:

1.  Fargo - I know, it's a little dark, but it is funny.
2.  Office Space - I never leave home without my flair.
3.  Paper Moon - OMG, that Tatum O'Neal was a hoot!
4.  The Artist - It's the newest movie on my list, and I love it.
5.  Annie Hall - I enjoyed this Woody Allen classic immensely when I rewatched it not too long ago.
6.  Arthur - I liked the one with Dudley Moore.
7.  Arthur - I also liked the one with Russell Brand...
8.  Mrs. Doubtfire - My mom and I watched this movie just about every time it came on tee vee.
9.  My Cousin Vinny - The two yutes got off, no thanks to Vinny.
10. Little Miss Sunshine - This movie couldn't have asked for a more perfect cast.
11. Meet the Parents - There are very few people in my circle of trust...
12. American Pie - I really liked the first one...the others were rather unfunny.  It will be interesting to see how the latest one measures up...
13. Muriel's Wedding - I loved the Abba songs and the story...
14. Dogma - I thought it was funny, and I still think it is Kevin Smith's best film.

As you can see, my taste is ecclectic and I could go on and on...

MK out.


  1. Doh! I cannot believe that I forgot Pulp Fiction!!!

  2. And I forgot Raising Arizona! Great list!
