One of my friends, Jill Conner Brown, whom many know as HRH THE Sweet Potato Queen, was in Dallas for her latest book tour. She was promoting, The Sweet Potato Queens' Guide to Raising Children for Fun and Profit. There's funny stuff - you should read it.
Anyway, I was entertaining the female grands on Sunday, and since Jill was in town, and I had plenty of tiaras to spare, we donned them and drove on down to Dallas to say "Hidee" to her.
On the way down to the booksigning, I was preparing the girls for their audience with the Queen. I explained that she was to be greeted with "Pleased to meet you, Your Royal Majesty." They asked if she was really a queen. "Of course," I said. The older one, being the more crafty and aware of the two, wasn't altogether convinced. She asked the question in another way. "Does she really have royal blood?" My answer was the same. The younger one wanted to know if she lived in a castle. "Why, yes," I said. "And she's your friend?" they asked. Uh-huh.
We arrived a little late, rushing in past her signature pink and green RV parked out in the parking lot. (Dang! I didn't get a picture.) We stood in the back listening the end of her talk until finally, it was time to get in line to take our turn to meet with her. It took a little while, but thankfully, there was a Starbucks in that Borders Bookstore, and the barista took pity on the masses. She brought hot chocolate and other caffienated beverages around to keep everyone civil. By the time we got to the front of the line, the younger princess had a chocolate mustache and goatee. However, it did not deter her in remembering that she was in the presence of royalty, and she proceeded to greet Jill with a flourish - She bowed to her.
It was so hysterical, that Jill asked her to do it again; so, that the Royal Consort could take a picture. The princess complied, but I don't know how that picture turned out.
Jill was so gracious that she bestowed us with some bracelets as a gift. The princesses were quite impressed. After we were on our way home, they kept talking about how my friend gave them a special gift.
It was a special afternoon spent with my special people. I mean, really - how often does one have the opportunity to teach such topics as royal protocol as well as tiara dents, and how to avoid them to their grandchildren?
Merry Karma out.
Completely jealous - and awed - enough so that I feel a little guilty about joshing you about REALLY not caring about the Super Bowl since you thought the Giants were playing the Raiders. (It was the Patriots.) LOL
ReplyDeleteDoh! I swear, I've been doing that the whole damn season - calling the Patriots the Raiders...Is that a sign? Yeah - that I'm a doofus!!!