I was thinking about knitting it up for my July 2011 Socks. The June socks have not been started yet...
Anyway, when I went to look for it in its Rubbermaid tub, I.could.not.find.it. So, I spent quite a bit of time yesterday looking through other tubs, knitting bags, boxes in the closet that might have held knitting at one time or another...
I was so bummed. It's by Lone Star Arts. She was a vendor at DFW Fiber Fest a few years ago. I bought it because the name is Aggieland. How could I resist that? Plus, although it is a shade of maroon and white, it looks red and white to me. I like both; so, it made no matter to me.
I looked in the tub that it should have been in again this morning, and this time, I looked in a bag that has some white alpaca sport weight in it, and there it was. It made me quite happy to find it.
I am hoping to finish these socks today:
I had to get more yarn - and it came - and I finished one already. I did not knit the cuffs TAAT, because I am alternating skeins every row. The new skein is more saturated with the pretty Robin Egg color; so, there would've probably been a sharp demarcation between the two had I not. It would have been to fiddly to do them TAAT with four balls hanging off the needles. I am not in the mood for fiddly these days...two balls is challenging enough. These needles with the joins that are not very smooth are slowing me down too. Oh well...I am trying to keep my eye on the prize - a finished pair of socks. If you remember, they are the May 2011 Socks.
Once I finish them, I am going to try and finish Elphaba.
MK out.