Well, I have WIPs everywhere I turn around here.
Remember my beautiful (to me, at least) garden last spring? I was so excited, because I'm not really much of a gardener and it was my first time to really get my hands dirty and put one in by myself. Then, Mother Nature decided that rain wasn't necessary all last summer and turned up the heat to triple digits...so, my garden had extra strikes against it - besides being my garden.
Yesterday, I took a picture of what survived. That petunia is going wild!
Check out that hardy little begonia:
In the knitting department, I am working on the Lacy Top:
I am enjoying knitting this pattern as much as I did the first time around. I hope I have better success this time. The only tricky part to this pattern is when one comes to the the armhole and shoulder decreases. I really hate patterns that say "decrease ___ stitches at each end while keeping in pattern", when there is a lace pattern. Seriously?!? I have to chart the thing to see what I need to be doing "in pattern." I don't like to have to work that hard. I knit for the fun and relaxation.
I am hoping to have it ready to wear to DFW Fiber Fest. I am going to try to wear only handknits. Maybe, that's dorky, but that's my little challenge to myself.
MK out.
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