I had intended to present them for WIP Wednesday. I got up yesterday and took some pictures, but I was feeling a little puny and never got around to posting. Beautiful wild flowers are blooming all over the place around here - which means that the pollen count is high enough to get the best of me...and it did.
It is the end of the month, and I have six things OTN. This weekend is also the DFW Fiber Fest. There may be some knitting on my part, but I plan to purchase some yarn for new projects (to add to the yarn upstairs that I've purchased in the past for other projects), visit with old friends, meet new friends and just generally flit around and drink in all the yarn fumes.
This past weekend, there was some knitting, but we spent a chunk of that time helping our daughter move. Originally, I figured - "Yay! Car knitting...I'll get things done!!!" - until I realized that I would be driving one of the vehicles part of the time; so, not as much car knitting..."Boo!!!"
I wanted to have this top finished to wear at Fiber Fest.
As you can see, it is not quite done yet. Maybe, I can finish it before the last day and be able to wear it, but it will require some sitting down and actually working on it action. I worked on it quite a bit last Wednesday, but then put it aside (thinking I would have plenty of car knitting time) in favor of casting on for this:
I bought it last year at Fiber Fest. It is the Bird of Paradise Shawl, designed by Jenn at the Woolie Ewe. Lorna's Laces created the exclusive colorway, also called Bird of Paradise. The WE were selling it in their booth. Interestingly, it goes well with the lacy top...
Due to my overachieving tendencies, instead of having one of the two things completed, I currently have two things that are not.
Yesterday morning, I wasn't quite finished with the first ball of yarn. I then proceeded to knit on it all day (off and on) while I was relaxing and recovering from the allergy attack. I am on the last section as I type this post. I am hoping to finish it tonight and possibly even blocking it. I just may get to wear this shawl this weekend, afterall...
The Little Red Sweater is coming along slowly.
I have done both sleeves and am up to the part where one splits the sleeve to work on the front and back bodices separately. If I could spend about an hour on it, I'd make quite a bit of progress on it and it will speed on towards the finish line...
I started a little hat to match.
I am using the Cheeky Beret pattern again, but will make it two-tone this time. I found some pink leftover yarn of a different brand, but I don't think the difference is too apparent. Maybe, this will be a good project to work on at Fiber Fest. It won't take too much time or too much concentration to complete.
I am questioning whether or not I am made to knit complicated charted socks. I finished the first chart of my March 2012 socks on both cuffs and then put them aside.
I am using the Aragorn pattern. The yarn is Tosh Sock in the Moorland colorway. I tried to knit them back in September, but my MIL had just gone into hospice then, and her decline was pretty rapid...I couldn't really concentrate. I frogged them and put the pattern and the yarn away for a time when concentration was available. At least I have until the end of April to meet the Sock Knitters Anonymous (SKA) challenge.
I was going to do the March MOCK too. I started it, but ended up not getting row gauge (and the pattern specifically states that row gauge is important with this design) and frogging them. Luckily, they will apply for the April SKA challenge, because I really like the pattern and really want to make them. I didn't take a picture of the caked up yarn, but it's pink sock yarn. You will see them next month.
Finally, I have a little bib OTN for a charity fundraiser benefitting an orphanage in Greece.
I am using Cotton Tots yarn. I really need to get cracking on it, because the date is coming up, and mail to Greece can take a little time...
So, that's the list.
I think I am going to pack up my bag for Fiber Fest tomorrow, finish some wash and get knitting.
MK out.
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