It's the most wonderful time of the year....Carole prompts us to tell our Ten Favorite Holiday Traditions. I'm all over that!
1. Picking out the picture for the Christmas card…since 1990.
2. Attending the Tree Lighting on the Square in our town. We attended this year was the first time in about five or six years, because The Kid started playing sports around then, and he would usually have a game on the night of the event. Anyway, I was glad we were able to resume the tradition this year…It was the 23rd annual lighting, and The Kid is 21 – so we've gone to quite a few in our day…
3. Putting out the Christmas dishes every December 1st and using them all month long.
4. Pulling out the decorations and trimming the tree with the as much of the family that is around.
5. Hanging the stockings….same ones…same positions…every year.
6. Lighting scented candles every night. My faves are the ones that smell like a Christmas tree.
7. Watching Christmas movies and specials…A Charlie Brown Christmas is a must!
8. Making cookies...It will be a little sad this year without my momma around.
9. Driving down to the Big D to see the Christmas lights in Highland Park.
10. Putting out the presents under the tree after everyone has gone to bed on Christmas Eve...and in the early years of our marriage, that sometimes meant we didn't get to bed before 0300. Apparently, it was The Husb's family tradition growing up that all the presents weren't wrapped before Christmas Eve when everyone went to bed. I have since modified that part of it...It has morphed to I wrap as I buy over the years.
MK out.