She will attempt to wow you with her new skill:

Can you see this poor little zinnia plant? Can you tell that it has no leaves? Sorry for the crappy picture. I took it with my cellphone. There is a digital camera in the house, but I don't know how to get the pictures from it to my computer yet. This blogging thing is a one-step-at-a-time venture for me. I tend to learn technological things on a "need to know" basis.
Try this one:

See the pink plant in the front? It looks a little rough.
Here's another:

So, my next entry likely will include knitting content. I've been doing a little of that lately. Work was quite busy this past week, but the weekend has been very laid back. I mostly worked on the edging of an afghan for a wedding gift. I also am figuring out how to knit two socks at one time on the Magic Loop. (Hi Amy! I think I figured it out.)
Gotta go to bed now. This technology stuff wears out a body!