Monday, June 3, 2024

Movie Monday - 6/3/2024

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I worked on a quilt mostly from scraps. Y’all might get to see it someday soon.

You People is about a Jewish man getting together with a Black woman. Jonas Hill (who helped write and produce), Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Eddie Murphy, Lauren London, Nia Ling and David Duchovny starred in this sometimes funny look at trying to reconcile cultural and religious differences. It was pretty good.

Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively star in A Simple Favor. One unconventional mom asks her new bestie to pick up her son after school as she has a work thing that will run late. Then the mom doesn’t show up. What happened to her? See the movie and find out. I liked it!

The 2024 Oscar winner for Best Documentary Short Film was The Last Repair Shop. It tells about a group of people who dedicate their time repairing student instruments. It was good.

In Năi Nai & Wài Pó, the director introduces us to his Chinese grandmothers. They live together in Northern California and seem to get along great. It was cute!

Y’all be good!

MK out.


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