But wait...there's more!!!
I only have one thing OTN right this minute.
You read that right.
I frogged the March 2013 socks (and I have finished everything else):
I love the pattern, I loooooovvvvveeeee the yarn (It's Timebomb by Gritty Knits)....but I just wasn't feeling it. I kept looking at the yarn and thinking it wanted to be a different pair of socks; so, back to the drawing board...
I haven't even decided what I want to make for the April 2013 socks, and the Sock Knitters Anonymous group is already talking about May. Oy!
So, here is what is currently OTN:
It's my spring cardi. This week, it would have come in handy...
I'd better get knitting.
MK out.
One??? I did read that right.......one.........