Sunday, February 2, 2020

Monthly Check In 2/2/2020

Month One in my journey to simplify and to live my best life has passed. I didn't accomplish everything I had on my list, but I did get some things right. I made movement towards goals. It wasn't a bad effort overall. I think I will try to check in with myself weekly from now on, because a little accountability goes a long way. I may or may not share those weekly checks. We will see.

On the decrapification front, the garage was my January focus. I managed to clear out one corner and I intend to work on it some every month until it's complete. No pictures at this time. It's a sore subject around here...

In the home maintenance department, I was getting tired of keeping the open shelving in my closet picture perfect. They looked great when we first moved in,



but over time, they got cluttered. Plus, there was the dust issue. Dust mites are a major allergy trigger for me. And who likes dusting the closet anyway?

I had doors retrofitted on the existing shelf units, plus, I had them make me a small drawer 
unit. I kept a few shelves open for my shoe boxes.


The closet needs some more decrapification and organization, I will work on that this month. 

For nutrition and fitness, my goal was to eat out less. (It's so easy, but so bad!) I've cooked more, incorporating more plant based meals, or at least more veggies. I also started working out at the club. There's a machine there that's sort of an elliptical, but you also work your arms. For January, the goal was to go twice a week and work out on that machine, while maintaining a Monday through Friday schedule of doing some kind of exercise.

I incorporated meditation and a gratitude practice to start every day. It's been a nice way to 
start the day and to center myself. I've also been better about going to bed at a decent hour. I've learned that I have a much better day if I get 7-8 hours of sleep the night before. 

I feel motivated to continue for now. 

MK out.

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