I've been working on the finish work on four projects...it's like pulling teeth! I really put them off and find other things that have to get done first, before I sit down to the tasks at hand. Once I do finish something to the nth degree and it is f.i.n.i.t.o!...k.a.p.u.t!...d.o.n.e! I am really happy. Strangely, I find that the happiness does not seem to reinforce the behaviour and drive me to finish other stuff. I might ponder on that one a while...
One reason may be that things such as this happen:
I was knitting along happily when I discovered this dropped stitch and almost went apoplectic. I caught it with the safety pin and set the whole project aside for several days. I decided I would do a little rigging, instead of ripping back and it worked out just fine. You might get to see it someday soon...
Until Friday, when I can show you some finished stuff, here's what's next on the agenda:
First, I have picked out the yarn (Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Moorland) and the pattern (Aragorn) for my September socks. Mind you, I haven't even started the August socks...but I'll get there eventually. The Sock Knitters Anonymous forum on Ravelry starts the Sockdown year in September. I don't know if I will participate in every single month's challenge, but I've been eyeing that pattern for a while and Janneke Maat is one of the featured designers for the month...Yay!
Next, I've had these two balls of yarn for a while. The multicolored one is Bollicine Sissi. I plan to make a scarf with some beads on the ends out of it. The turquoise one is Knit Picks Shadow Lace. I have been wanting to make Annis; so, I will try it with Shadow.
Back to the salt mines...
MK out.