After 5 sessions with Debbie totalling 27 hours in November, 27 bags were donated to charity, 11 were taken to the curb and 3 were sent to recycling. The bags are 30-gallon size, in case you are wondering.Not much movie watching or knitting has been going on. When Debbie leaves, there is homework to be done - inventorying the charity donations, delivering the bags, clearing out bins of things that have an identified place, more decrapifying on my own, and general picking up.Then, there's that Christmas thing. I did remember how to print labels. Christmas is saved! The Husb purchased a prelit tree before his deadline on Friday. We picked it up Saturday. He put it together Sunday. (Technically, he missed his deadline, but he's so cute, I couldn't get too mad about it.) The ornaments are not on it yet. (That's my part. I've got to get busy, but please refer to previous paragraph.) I do have two of the three parcels I have to mail for Christmas in the post. I've started wrapping presents. I think I will make it after all.
For my knitting sisters: I saw this tree at the nursery when we were picking up our tree. It is full of knitted ornaments.
Cute, but I don't see myself knitting Christmas ornaments anytime soon.
MK out.