Been gone awhile, People. We went on a trip. As we were driving from Washington to Colorado, a trucker stopped us to let us know that the trim over the front left tire was flapping in the wind.
The Husby was panicked. Of course, it could have been that way the whole trip, and we were two weeks in at that point. He needed some nylon string to tie it up and try to keep it together until we got home. We weren't exactly in a shopping mecca at that point.
I continued working on a tank top that I am making myself out of Berroco Suede, and it hit me....The yarn is 100% nylon! I offered it up to The Husby. At first, he thought I was crazy - Yarn? Seriously? I reminded him we didn't know where the nearest establishment that might have nylon string was, and that the yarn could possibly hold it until we found such place...
So, he used it. Later that day, we found an Ace Hardware store and he bought some nylon string and tied up his RV, but he left the yarn on too.
This picture was taken a week later, after many hundreds of miles more, and besides being dirty, the nylon yarn is still holding strong.
MK out.
Great use for yarn! This is why I keep duct tape in my car. You never know.