The muggles out there probably won't ever get the Sock Summit thing, but that's okay.
I wasn't able to stay for the whole event, because The Husb needed me to join him at a convention in his industry in The G. I really regret that I was not able to go to the Ravelry party on Saturday night or the Luminary Panel discussion on Sunday afternoon. I did, however, manage to have one of my Barbara Walker Treasury of Knitting Patterns books signed by Barbara Walker herself.
I left for Portland on the morning before the conference started. It was an uneventful flight, thankfully. Portland was sunny and cooler than home I took the MAX - their lightrail system - from the airport to close to the hotel and walked the rest of the way to the hotel. The room wasn't ready; so, I ventured to the waterfront and had lunch to kill a little time. After settling in, I took the MAX to the convention center to volunteer for a couple of hours.
I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, unfortunately, but I don't think I could have accurately captured the excitement in the air that radiated from the convention center and outward.
I had so much fun meeting Tina, seeing Stephanie again, helping out Steve and Kathy a little and noticing which vendors would be participating for the weekend of fun. I think I had a grin pasted on my face for the whole time I was in Portland. It was incredible.
Later that night, some of the exhibitors were taken to the Kennedy School for a really nice dinner sponsored by Lantern Moon. It was nice to be amongst my peeps. MK out.