...Raised on promises.
Steve Winwood opened...
Tom Petty headlined...
Tom was thrilled that MK is in the audience...
Tom and Steve jam together...
Tom sends MK a kiss at the end of the concert...
Some back story: When The Kid was but just a little kid, he learned all the words to songs on my Tom Petty and Elton John cds. He was so cute, singing at the top of his lungs, and frequently - he would sing what he thought the lyrics were. I can't remember any of his derivations, but it was amusing at the time.
Sooooo, when the Tom Petty concert was announced, I told The Husb that we would have to go and to take The Kid.
It was an awesome concert. It was a ginormous singalong. The crowd was made up mostly of people who were in their twenties and thirties when most of the songs were new hits on the radio and deejays referred to a particular artist having a new album released. Of course, no good concert with a band from the 70s and 80s would be complete without smelling the pungent aroma of a certain plant being enjoyed...
MK out.
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