It's my favorite time of the year. I just love Fall. I love it so much, I capitalize it. On my walk this morning, I looked at my begonias that were planted in March of 2011:
These are the only plants from that year that have survived. Does anyone know if I can transplant these two beauties? Would they survive if I pot them and keep them inside for the cold months and then plant them outside next spring?
One of my neighbors always decorates her yard for Halloween:
I just love the Witch's clothesline:
I asked my knitting group about updating browsers for free because I am cheap. One of my good friends suggested that I use Chrome. The significance of her help - (and thank you very much BRae) - is that I might be able to blog more regularly again.
MK out.
I can not think of one reason why you shouldn't try and move those begonias. They are pretty hardy plants.