Thursday, September 12, 2024

Book Chat - 9/12/2024

read these two books and a short story (besides the books I already told y’all about) in June.

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
A young woman moves to Boston and starts her own business. She meets a handsome neurosurgeon who seems too good to be true. The two start dating and soon, his major flaw is revealed. This book has been adapted into a film. It was good.

Cut & Thirst by Margaret Atwood
Three women are bent on avenging the snub of their dear friend’s career by a group of male poets. This short story was very clever.

This Impossible Brightness by Jessica Bryant Klagman
A woman moves to an island to grieve the disappearance of her love. The community of Violette is quirky. They believe that they receive messages through their appliances coming from the radio tower, while the island is slowly being overtaken by the sea due to climate change. It was interesting.

I’ll try to tell you about the books I read in July next week.*

MK out.

*No promises have been made.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Movie Monday - 9/2/2024

It’s a Monday holiday Y’all! I hope you are having a good one!

In Find Me Falling, a rockstar with a comeback album that bombed, needs to recalibrate and change scenery for a while. Little did he know that his getaway in Cyprus would be so complicated. Harry Connivk, Jr., Ali Fumiko Whitney and Agni Scott star in this precious romcom.

Lily Rabe, Hampshire Linklater, Ed Harris and Vanessa Hudgens star in Downtown Owl. Based on the novel by Chuck Klosterman, it’s about three lonely-ish people who bop along, not knowing about the whiteout blizzard heading their way. It was a little quirky and entertaining.

Alice and Peter’s children have given them a cruise to celebrate Peter’s retirement in Golden Years. It’s a delightful film, that explores long term relationships and unconventional ways of continuing along. It was cute.

That’s all for this week.

Happy Labor Day!

MK out.