Since I have last posted, we (the board of directors and many volunteers) hosted the FIFTH DFW Fiber Fest. It was a blast! We always have a weekend of classes with nationally-known and local teachers, as well as many vendors to tempt your yarn and tool budgets.
One of our vendors, Brooks Farm Yarns, donated this wonderful gift that we offered as a raffle prize:
There were four skeins (two in each of two colorways) of a new yummy yarn they are developing, and two bottles of wine. Me - if I'm sipping...there's not much knitting, and the knitting I do manage to do...well, most likely, it will have to be tinked out. The Knitting Doctor would definitely have an opinion about mixing knitting and alcohol, too. You will have to ask her why...
We decided to have a meet up for Ravelry members at Fiber Fest this year. It was fun. I think it might become a tradition! Here's a shot of the cake we served:
So, there's been more stuff going on besides two weeks of preparing for Fiber Fest, having Fiber Fest and the week it took for me to recover from Fiber Fest...but those are stories for other days...
MK out.